What Is Fildena Super Active?
Fildena super active is a great improvement on Viagra, being actually the fourth version of the sildenafil drug. The formula differs slightly from the original version, but it is mainly used to treat erectile dysfunction. Basically, if you want to achieve and then maintain your erection, you can take the Viagra Super Active before you indulge in any kind of sexual activity. This formula is absolutely safe and has proved helpful in the treatment of erectile dysfunction.
Fildena Super Active 100 mg looks different from the other Viagra tablets which are hard because it is a gelatin capsule. As soon as you swallow it, it dissolves in your system and its ingredients get absorbed into your bloodstream immediately. This process is much faster than the other Viagra tablets, and naturally, the output is faster as well. Even then, it is advisable to take fildena capsule at least one hour before sexual intercourse.
- Fortune Health Care is the manufacturer of fildena super active 100MG
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